Zane Lazda
D.D.S., Certified general dentist / Children’s dentist
Zane was born in 1974 in Jēkabpils. In 1998 she obtained the diploma of a dentist after graduating the Faculty of Dentistry of the Medical Academy of Latvia. In 2002 she obtained the diploma of a paediatric dentist after graduating the Faculty of Post-Diploma Studies of the Medical Academy of Latvia. She additionally studied preventive dentistry, endodontics and periodontics at the University of Helsinki, Institute of Dentistry.
From September 2008 until October 2014 she worked at the Dentistry and Facial Surgery Centre of Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital as a dentist and specialist on the strategy of dentistry. Since November 2015 she has been working for the dental clinic SIROWA Rīga.
She is a member of the Latvian Dental Association and Board Member thereof. From 2008 – 2013 she was the representative of the Latvian Dental Association at the Council of European Dentists. She gives lectures on oral hygiene and prevention. Author and co-author of several scientific publications.
Regularly upgrades her knowledge by attending various professional courses in Latvia, as well as abroad.
Lazda (Bendika) Z.: „Zobu šķilšanās, ar to saistītās problēmas”. „Zobārstniecības Raksti”, 2003, 4. (“Eruption of teeth and associated problems”. “Dental Care Articles”, 2003, Issue 4).
Lazda (Bendika) Z.: „Veseli zobi Jums un Jūsu mazulim. Izglītojošs materiāls topošajām māmiņām sadarbībā ar „GlaxoSmithKline””, 2002. (“Healthy Teeth for you and your Baby. Educational Material for Future Mothers in Cooperation with “GlaxoSmithKline”, 2002).
Romane D., Lazda (Bendika) Z., Senakola E., Davies R. M., Ellwood R. P., Pretty I. A. “The Effect of Video Repositioning on the Reliability of Light Induced Fluorescence Imaging: An in Vivo Study. Caries res.” 2005; 39:397-402.
„Kariesa intensitate un raksturigaka lokalizacija berniem vecuma no 3-8 gadiem.” (“Intensity and Most Typical Localisation of Caries in Children from 3 to 8 Years of Age”) Henkuzena I., Lazda (Bendika) Z., Leitāne L., Šutka D., Viduskalne I. II Dental Congress of Latvia in Riga, 4 – 5 October 2000.